Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Sorry, blog. I got netflix. We had a good run though, didn't we?

There's not much to report, anyways. Aside from traveling, the last month has consisted of:

Fast Food
Delivered Food
Fancypants german beer
Internet….sooo much internet.

It's amazing how much you can procrastinate, though. I might not be an authority on news outlets or anything, but I do have an impressive set of bookmarked websites.

Also, for some reason, I have a basic knowledge of how to get javascript to work. Thanks http://www.codecademy.com

If only living online for 12 hours at a time didn't give you the attention span of a ground squirrel on cocaine. 

Yesterday was supposed to be the day that we were going to work out, but, unfortunately, it was a holiday. Fine by me, because my squat/bench press weights are starting to intimidate me. Linear periodization (where you try to improve by the same amount every session) sounds really great until you realize that you're going to be adding 15 pounds to your squat. Every week. Forever. 

So in a year I'll just go ahead and lift 780 more pounds than I did before. Yup. 

It doesn't actually work quite that way. You generally taper back when the weight gets too heavy for you to lift anymore, usually around 3-6 months, but when you're doing it, it can feel like you're lifting an elephant. 

If I weren't lifting the warm-up weight of everyone else in the gym, I would actually be pretty proud of myself for it.

Okay, well...maybe I'm a little bit proud of lifting heavy weights that scare me. I mean, isn't overcoming obstacles with dedication and focus really what this is all....

Netflix just finished buffering. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Squirrel's First Post

So there I am, surrounded by Russian mobsters, all of them three times my size. They didn't hear me sneak in, but when I suddenly appeared in the middle of their backroom deal- Well, no one's that stupid. I look down at the priceless artifacts in their hands, (my family's heirlooms) and back up into their sneering faces. There are three big ones, and all their lackeys are in the background, not sure of what to do. Once I get rid of the head honchos, the little guys should scatter like scared roaches. I'll hunt them down later. I feel the weight of the hidden crossbows in my sleeves. There's no way these three are getting out of here alive...

And then I wake up and remember I'm living in tiny, dingy hotel room, snuggling a backpack I left on the bed, and laying in a puddle of drool.

This is a blog I've decided to start to record all the tiny, inconsequential things I'd forget otherwise, or that I'm fascinated by and need to remember to get back to later.
So it's about art, and music, and funny youtube videos, and .gifs, and things my husband does. It's also my workout log. And my travel journal.

Like a squirrel burying it's nuts for winter, then forgetting about them, then almost getting hit by a car, and then finding another nut, then leaving that nut somewhere....these are the days of our lives.